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We tell you EXACTLY where to go

The most detailed bird hunters' scouting report published in the world!

Bird hunting is about more than long, quiet hikes in the desert with the dog and a hunting buddy or two. Not that just being there isn't enough most of the time. Sometimes it's just nice to see more than brilliant sunsets. Sometimes it would be nice to watch the dog actually work a few birds. Sometimes a little heft in the back of the vest would make the trip a richer experience. Sometimes a little success is a nice thing.

Western Birds is about being in the right place at the right time and helping you reach that place.



A new subscription to Western Birds is $225 for six issues, PLUS you get to choose four back issues of the newsletter. With some judicious selection, you could get up to 250 guzzler locations with those bonus issues. Think about what a tank of gas costs for your hunting rig and how many of those tanks of gas we'll be saving you because we're doing most of the scouting. It's a bargain at twice the price. 


Click HERE or on the blue button below for a downloadable PDF subscription form you can fill out and return either by  e-mail or snail mail.




EXISTING SUBSCRIBERS: Click HERE or on the blue button below for a downloadable PDF renewal form you can fill out and return by mail, fax, or e-mail.





Whether a new subscriber or a long-time subscriber looking to renew your subscription, you should download the complete list of back issues so you can select your bonus issues. Western Birds  hascovered quail hunting spots from San Luis Obispo County to San Diego County. We've covered everything from where to hunt ptarmigan to Southern California top snipe spot. We've mapped all of the best chukar hunting guzzlers in the region. We do an annual dove hunting issue that covers all the public land areas from Yuma to Blythe to the Imperial Valley and some places you probably have never knew were good for dove. Click on the box below to get the complete list of back issues available.



A guzzler is a man-made water catchment. Using a large "apron," the device catches rainwater and directs it into a tank. In small game guzzlers, the tanks are usually set underground at the lower edge of the apron. The tanks are set at an angle and access is given to small game and birds that can walk down into the tank and get a drink. Larger big game drinkers have larger above ground tanks with a pipe and valve system to a drinker box, allowing access to the water by all wildlife.


Most guzzlers were constructed in the 1950s and 1960s by Department of Fish and Wildlife staff. There are well over a 1,000 small game drinkers across Southern California public lands. Most are in various state of disrepair, and the DFW no longer thinks building or maintaining these devices is a high priority. But volunteer hunter-conservation groups have taken up the calling and have been repairing them, filling them during droughts, and even building new guzzlers.

This guzzler is in the Santa Ana Mountains in the Cleveland National Forest. It shows the rain apron and the opening to the water tank.



Here are a couple of samples of and from the Western Birds newsletter you can download for free to see the kind of information and details we provide. Click on the arrows to download the PDF.

              2019 Upland Bird Forecast

              2019 Special Dove Issue

           2018 Upland Bird Forecast

              REVISED Quail Calling Issue

Questions? Please feel free to call Jim Matthews at 909-887-3444.



We used to publish the very cool California Hog Hunter and California Bucks newsletters. We revived the California Hog Hunter newsletter briefly (see the California Hog Hunter page on this website). Sadly, California Hog Hunter and California Bucks are no longer being published. Please call if you have questions about these publications.





#WesternBirds #publiclandhunting #publiclandbirdhunting #wheretogodovehunting #wheretogoquailhunting #wheretogochukarhunting #guzzlerlocations #birdhuntersscoutingreport #quaihunting #chukarhunting #dovehunting #Californiabirdhunting #wheretobirdhuntingSouthernCalifornia

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