Willow Beach fish hatchery soon to be back in trout production business
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com Three years after mismanagement and inappropriate funding cuts ended trout production at the...

Exasperated over latest gun control bills
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com It is exasperating. Two anti-gun bills that will do nothing to solve crime, stop terrorist...

The latest bad news on guns, and it’s not about shootings
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com As a long-time gun owner and hunter, it is painful to listen to politicians talk about the...

Wildlife Art Festival features Federal duck stamp art winner
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com The 32nd Annual Wildlife Art Show will be held Nov. 21-23 at the San Bernardino County Museum...

The new in-thing: state-sanctioned discrimination
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com State and federal lawmakers are not only condoning discrimination, they are codifying and...

SB 53 would mandate a permit to purchase ammunition in state
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com We are guilty until proven innocent. That is the basic premise of a new law working its way...