Fish and Game Commission gets new executive director with zero experience; now more discrimination i
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com The downward government spiral of all things formerly known as “Fish and Game” continued this...

Willow Beach fish hatchery soon to be back in trout production business
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com Three years after mismanagement and inappropriate funding cuts ended trout production at the...

Who should be appointed to the state Fish and Game Commission?
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com There are currently two openings on the state Fish and Game Commission. This Commission sets...

Emotion trumps science in new era of wildlife management in California
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com We have entered a new era in California, the era of fish and wildlife management by emotion,...

Outdoors in the news: Stupid gun laws, African lions, and wildlife corruption
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com Three items in the news and on the fringes of the news this past week cry out for some...

Cleveland National Forest managers close entire north end of Santa Ana Mountains
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com The management staff of the Cleveland National Forest has effectively closed the entire north...
Michael Sutton, FGC president, says legal hunting is a bigger problem than poaching
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com It’s time for Fish and Game Commission president Michael Sutton to go. In an online web...