Dove opener looks promising on public areas for Southern California bird hunters
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com Dove reports from public hunting spots across Southern California bode well for a good dove...

Dove hunting season opener this Friday expected to be good across whole region
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com The dove hunting season opener on Friday, Sept. 1, is expected to draw more than 55,000...

Dove hunting opener is largest participatory event in the world
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com On September 1 each year approximately 3/4-million hunters take to the field across the nation...

Should dove hunting season open on a Saturday or stay on September 1?
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com Leon Lesicka bemoaned two things about this year’s dove hunting season opener. The overall...

Dove hunting good at most public hunting areas; crowds are down
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com Dove hunting was fair to good at most public hunting areas across Southern California, and...

Dove hunting opener Thursday; lots of public land opportunities
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com The September 1 dove hunting season is expected to be similar to last season across Southern...

Dove season: An opportunity to grow the ranks of hunters
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com I have been hunting dove in California about 50 years, rarely missing the Sept. 1 season...

Dove hunting opener best in years
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com The dove season hunting opener on Sept. 1 was the best it has been in many years, according to...

Dove hunting opener shaping up as the best in several years
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com Avid dove hunters watch the weather radar maps in late August as a gauge of whether or not big...

Places where dove hunters will be required to use non-lead ammunition
By JIM MATTHEWS www.OutdoorNewsService.com Dove hunters will be required to use non-lead ammunition on state-owned wildlife areas and...